Product Master Data and PIM, built for our industry.

Knowde has organized the world of chemistry. We are the masters in product master data management.

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Image of a data diagram showing data from different sources, including folders, PDFs, text documents, SAP, and more, funneling through Knowde to become ordered data
Sliding horizontal ticker of corporate logos: Dow, DSM, Sasol, DuPont, Roquette: Offering the best of nature, SABIC, Mitsubishi Chemical Group, AdvanSix, CargillSliding horizontal ticker of corporate logos: Dow, DSM, Sasol, DuPont, Roquette: Offering the best of nature, SABIC, Mitsubishi Chemical Group, AdvanSix, CargillSupplier logosSupplier logos
Knowde K logo

Product data is core to your business; it’s also core to ours.

From the beginning, Knowde’s objective has been to digitally transform our industry. To do that, we had to solve the main problem holding this industry back: digitizing product data. Our team of chemical engineers, taxonomists, software engineers and data scientists built the software and classification systems to digitize your product data and enable successful digital transformation.

Image of worldwide data from different sources, including folders, PDFs, text documents, SAP, and more, over silhouettes of the United States, France, and China

Today your product data is disorganized and spread across your organization.

Data is siloed by region, market, and business system; it’s trapped in PDFs, spreadsheets and SharePoint drives. There’s no central source of truth for your product data.

Without organized, unified product data, you can’t:

  • Leverage the investments you’ve made in your CRM, ERP, website or other systems.

  • Enable your internal teams with the product information they need to do their jobs efficiently and effectively.

  • Showcase your products online and give your customers an amazing online customer experience.

Buying a PIM is easy; organizing your product data and getting it into a PIM is hard.

Knowde establishes your product master data and builds your PIM system for you. The right way.

Combined image showing:
1: Product Master Data from various sources, with the word Difficult, leading to 
2: PIM data and information storage and versioning, with the word Easy, leading to
3: APIs to integrate and export product data to power critical business systems, with the word Easy

Knowde organizes your unstructured data in a matter of weeks.

Infographic showing customer's product information being organized through Knowde's Proprietary Knowledge Engine, becoming Product Master Data in a PIM, then feeding business systems including customer website, marketplace, eCommerce, and other systems

How Knowde’s Knowledge Engine works:

Infographic of Product Master Data in a PIM feeding other sources, including customer website, marketplace, eCommerce, catalog, sales team, and more

Manage your data in a PIM custom-built for your industry.

Manage your comprehensive product data in the only PIM system built specifically for ingredients, polymers and chemicals. Traditional PIM solutions can’t handle the product complexity and scale of our industry — Knowde can.

Organizing your product data into a single source of truth unlocks everything else:

Icon of a light bulb
Power Your Business Systems

Your critical business systems like your ERP or CRM need accurate and comprehensive product data to yield real, actionable insights. Feed the systems that power your digital enterprise with clean data from a centralized PIM.

Icon of two people
Enable Your Internal Teams

Make every team more productive across sales, marketing, product management, procurement and more. For example, enable your sales team to sell their entire product portfolio so they can close more deals faster and drive more revenue.

laptop icon
Create amazing online customer experiences

Empower customers to explore your products online — on your website, Knowde’s marketplace or both. Enable them to search, browse, filter by any attribute, compare products, get documents and more, helping them move through the buying journey effectively.

Get a Demo
Simple icon of a globe showing latitude and longitude lines
Learn more about the implications of disorganized product data and how creating a single source of truth unlocks business growth.
Watch the Demo Now

Why Knowde:

Tile with stopwatch icon and text "We are fast. You can start using your PIM as soon as we receive your product information. What takes us three months, typically takes a supplier three years."Tile with icon of three interlocking hexagons and text "We do it right. We build and maintain your product master data and PIM the right way; it's our core competency. We ensure your product data is comprehensive, accurate, and up-to-date. No other company has built all the software, AI, and taxonomy systems specifically for the ingredient, polymer, and chemical industries."Tile with light bulb icon and text "We are experts. We've done this for thousands of companies in our indjustry. We built a comprehensive taxonomy across 8,000 suppliers in every market. We can take all of our learnings across the various markets and bring it to you."
Knowde K logo

Unlock the power of your product data today!

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